Excerpts from "The Brilliant Proof"
Explaining the NEW teachings found in the Baha'i religion
(continued--page 5)
by Mirzá Abu'l-Fazl
(Edited by Gregory D. Watson with added footnotes and commentary.)
(The TEXT continues....)

 . . .One of the abstruse problems of social philosophy is the prevention of monopoly and wealth control by certain individuals.  This subject has been discussed by philosophers of the world for many years.  The wise men of Europe and America, especially the Socialists, in endeavoring to solve this abstruse problem, have entered into minute discussion and deep analysis.  The governments of Europe and America have given the subject exhaustive attention; nevertheless they have not yet agreed upon any opinion and have not reached a consensus of remedy for the solution of this seemingly insurmountable question.

 But if a soul should ponder and reflect upon the divine institution concerning the question of heritage and the modus operandi of the distribution of legacies among heirs according to the laws of this Dispensation, he will see that this all-important problem has been solved in the simplest manner.  The distribution of wealth among the nations has been established according to the best method.

 Inasmuch as the matter of death among mankind is an unavoidable event, if the distribution of the estate left by those who ascend to God should be effected according to the divine recommendation, it will be impossible for wealth to be accumulated by the few or for any particular family to exercise a monopoly, leaving others deprived and afflicted by poverty and want.  For the Mighty Lawgiver has dealt with this important affair in this manner:  He has divided the heirs of the deceased in to seven classes, including teachers, who are the spiritual fathers of enlightened individuals in the world of humanity.  The heritage is divided according to the number 2520, which is the lowest number comprising the integral fractions of nine.  Under this division the seven classes eligible to legacies are as follows:

First  :         Offspring.
Second :     Wives.
Third  :        Fathers.
Fourth :       Mothers.
Fifth  :         Brothers.
Sixth  :        Sisters.
Seventh:     Teachers.

 The nearest relatives are arranged as the closest.  Each class receives its due according to the number sixty, which runs down through all.  He has decreed that these seven classes mentioned will come equally into possession of their legitimate rights, each receiving his share from this division.  When the people of insight reflect upon that which has been recorded they will see that with this command in operation wealth will never be monopolized by a limited few and no individual through sheer forceful skill will come into possession of another's wealth.  Wealth will always be in circulation among all.  All mankind will inherit from one another and all will be benefitted from this capital. . . To the people of insight it is evident that in this Most Great Cause all the means of comfort for the nation have been provided and a plan of readjustment for the affairs of the people of the world from all standpoints has been established...(48)

 Now, in regard to the question of features distinguishing this great Cause from other laws and religions of the people of the world in all centuries and ages:  If fair-minded and intelligent men of knowledge should ponder and reflect upon the judicious laws of the Lord of mankind, they will no doubt bear witness to the perfection of Divine Providence in the laws thus instituted.  For instance, these three firm and irrefutable ordinances, namely, first: the question of heritage by which monopoly of wealth will be removed and the question of socialism solved; second: the question of universal peace and international agreements regarding disarmament and conserving expenditure now devoted to implements of war; third: the question of all being commanded to acquire a profession, art or trade whereby they may earn a living, thus lightening the burden of expense to those upon whom it falls, such as farmers, laborers, et. al.  This expense is created by the idlers and unemployed members of the human family.

 These fair-minded and intelligent men will also testify that the  readjustment of the world and the salvation of mankind from great dangers is conditioned upon following the commands of this Most Great Manifestation.  Thus will they utter the blessed words: "Blessed is God, the Possessor of the Dominion and the Kingdom!" . . .

[Written December 28, 1911, in Syria.]


(48) Other elements of this spiritual solution to the economic problems are found on succeeding pages.

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